Source code for d20.stringifiers

import abc
from typing import Callable, Iterable, Mapping, Type, TypeVar

from .expression import *

__all__ = ("Stringifier", "SimpleStringifier", "MarkdownStringifier")

ExpressionNode = TypeVar('ExpressionNode', bound=Number)

[docs]class Stringifier(abc.ABC): """ ABC for string builder from dice result. Children should implement all ``_str_*`` methods to transform an Expression into a str. """ def __init__(self): self._nodes: Mapping[Type[ExpressionNode], Callable[[ExpressionNode], str]] = { Expression: self._str_expression, Literal: self._str_literal, UnOp: self._str_unop, BinOp: self._str_binop, Parenthetical: self._str_parenthetical, Set: self._str_set, Dice: self._str_dice, Die: self._str_die }
[docs] def stringify(self, the_roll: ExpressionNode) -> str: """ Transforms a rolled expression into a string recursively, bottom-up. :param the_roll: The expression to stringify. :type the_roll: d20.Expression :rtype: str """ return self._stringify(the_roll)
[docs] def _stringify(self, node: ExpressionNode) -> str: """ Called on each node that needs to be stringified. :param node: The node to stringify. :type node: d20.Number :rtype: str """ handler = self._nodes[type(node)] inside = handler(node) if node.annotation: return f"{inside} {node.annotation}" return inside
[docs] def _str_expression(self, node: Expression) -> str: """ :param node: The node to stringify. :type node: d20.Expression :rtype: str """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def _str_literal(self, node: Literal) -> str: """ :param node: The node to stringify. :type node: d20.Literal :rtype: str """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def _str_unop(self, node: UnOp) -> str: """ :param node: The node to stringify. :type node: d20.UnOp :rtype: str """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def _str_binop(self, node: BinOp) -> str: """ :param node: The node to stringify. :type node: d20.BinOp :rtype: str """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def _str_parenthetical(self, node: Parenthetical) -> str: """ :param node: The node to stringify. :type node: d20.Parenthetical :rtype: str """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def _str_set(self, node: Set) -> str: """ :param node: The node to stringify. :type node: d20.Set :rtype: str """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def _str_dice(self, node: Dice) -> str: """ :param node: The node to stringify. :type node: d20.Dice :rtype: str """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def _str_die(self, node: Die) -> str: """ :param node: The node to stringify. :type node: d20.Die :rtype: str """ raise NotImplementedError
@staticmethod def _str_ops(operations: Iterable[SetOperator]) -> str: return ''.join([str(op) for op in operations])
[docs]class SimpleStringifier(Stringifier): """ Example stringifier. """ def _str_expression(self, node): return f"{self._stringify(node.roll)} = {int(}" def _str_literal(self, node): history = ' -> '.join(map(str, node.values)) if node.exploded: return f"{history}!" return history def _str_unop(self, node): return f"{node.op}{self._stringify(node.value)}" def _str_binop(self, node): return f"{self._stringify(node.left)} {node.op} {self._stringify(node.right)}" def _str_parenthetical(self, node): return f"({self._stringify(node.value)}){self._str_ops(node.operations)}" def _str_set(self, node): out = f"{', '.join([self._stringify(v) for v in node.values])}" if len(node.values) == 1: return f"({out},){self._str_ops(node.operations)}" return f"({out}){self._str_ops(node.operations)}" def _str_dice(self, node): the_dice = [self._stringify(die) for die in node.values] return f"{node.num}d{node.size}{self._str_ops(node.operations)} ({', '.join(the_dice)})" def _str_die(self, node): the_rolls = [self._stringify(val) for val in node.values] return ', '.join(the_rolls)
[docs]class MarkdownStringifier(SimpleStringifier): """ Transforms roll expressions into Markdown. """ class _MDContext: def __init__(self): self.in_dropped = False def reset(self): self.in_dropped = False def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._context = self._MDContext() def stringify(self, the_roll): self._context.reset() return super().stringify(the_roll) def _stringify(self, node): if not node.kept and not self._context.in_dropped: self._context.in_dropped = True inside = super()._stringify(node) self._context.in_dropped = False return f"~~{inside}~~" return super()._stringify(node) def _str_expression(self, node): return f"{self._stringify(node.roll)} = `{int(}`" def _str_die(self, node): the_rolls = [] for val in node.values: inside = self._stringify(val) if val.number == 1 or val.number == node.size: inside = f"**{inside}**" the_rolls.append(inside) return ', '.join(the_rolls)