Source code for d20.dice

from enum import IntEnum
from typing import Callable, Mapping, MutableMapping, Optional, Type, TypeVar, Union

import cachetools
import lark

from . import diceast as ast, utils
from .errors import *
from .expression import *
from .stringifiers import MarkdownStringifier, Stringifier

__all__ = ("CritType", "AdvType", "RollContext", "RollResult", "Roller")


TreeType = TypeVar('TreeType', bound=ast.ChildMixin)
ASTNode = TypeVar('ASTNode', bound=ast.Node)
ExpressionNode = TypeVar('ExpressionNode', bound=Number)

[docs]class CritType(IntEnum): """ Integer enumeration representing the crit type of a roll. """ NONE = 0 CRIT = 1 FAIL = 2
[docs]class AdvType(IntEnum): """ Integer enumeration representing at what advantage a roll should be made at. """ NONE = 0 ADV = 1 DIS = -1
[docs]class RollContext: """ A class to track information about rolls to ensure all rolls halt eventually. To use this class, pass an instance to the constructor of :class:`d20.Roller`. """ def __init__(self, max_rolls=1000): self.max_rolls = max_rolls self.rolls = 0 self.reset()
[docs] def reset(self): """Called at the start of each new roll.""" self.rolls = 0
[docs] def count_roll(self, n=1): """ Called each time a die is about to be rolled. :param int n: The number of rolls about to be made. :raises d20.TooManyRolls: if the roller should stop rolling dice because too many have been rolled. """ self.rolls += n if self.rolls > self.max_rolls: raise TooManyRolls("Too many dice rolled.")
[docs]class RollResult: """ Holds information about the result of a roll. This should generally not be constructed manually. """ def __init__(self, the_ast: ASTNode, the_roll: Expression, stringifier: Stringifier): """ :type the_ast: ast.Node :type the_roll: d20.Expression :type stringifier: d20.Stringifier """ self.ast = the_ast self.expr = the_roll self.stringifier = stringifier self.comment = the_roll.comment @property def total(self) -> int: return int( @property def result(self) -> str: return self.stringifier.stringify(self.expr) @property def crit(self) -> CritType: """ If the leftmost node was Xd20kh1, returns :class:`CritType.CRIT` if the roll was a 20 and :class:`CritType.FAIL` if the roll was a 1. Returns :class:`CritType.NONE` otherwise. :rtype: CritType """ # find the left most node in the dice expression left = self.expr while left.children: left = left.children[0] # ensure the node is dice if not isinstance(left, Dice): return CritType.NONE # ensure only one die of size 20 is kept if not (len(left.keptset) == 1 and left.size == 20): return CritType.NONE if == 1: return CritType.FAIL elif == 20: return CritType.CRIT return CritType.NONE def __str__(self): return self.result def __int__(self): return def __float__(self): return def __repr__(self): return f"<RollResult total={}>"
# noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
[docs]class Roller: """The main class responsible for parsing dice into an AST and evaluating that AST.""" def __init__(self, context: Optional[RollContext] = None): if context is None: context = RollContext() self._nodes: Mapping[Type[ASTNode], Callable[[ASTNode], ExpressionNode]] = { ast.Expression: self._eval_expression, ast.AnnotatedNumber: self._eval_annotatednumber, ast.Literal: self._eval_literal, ast.Parenthetical: self._eval_parenthetical, ast.UnOp: self._eval_unop, ast.BinOp: self._eval_binop, ast.OperatedSet: self._eval_operatedset, ast.NumberSet: self._eval_numberset, ast.OperatedDice: self._eval_operateddice, ast.Dice: self._eval_dice } self._parse_cache: MutableMapping[str, ASTNode] = cachetools.LFUCache(256) self.context: RollContext = context
[docs] def roll(self, expr: Union[str, ASTNode], stringifier: Optional[Stringifier] = None, allow_comments: bool = False, advantage: AdvType = AdvType.NONE) -> RollResult: """ Rolls the dice. :param expr: The dice to roll. :type expr: str or ast.Node :param stringifier: The stringifier to stringify the result. Defaults to MarkdownStringifier. :type stringifier: d20.Stringifier :param bool allow_comments: Whether to parse for comments after the main roll expression (potential slowdown) :param AdvType advantage: If the roll should be made at advantage. Only applies if the leftmost node is 1d20. :rtype: RollResult """ if stringifier is None: stringifier = MarkdownStringifier() self.context.reset() if isinstance(expr, str): # is this a preparsed tree? dice_tree = self.parse(expr, allow_comments) else: dice_tree = expr if advantage != AdvType.NONE: dice_tree = utils.ast_adv_copy(dice_tree, advantage) dice_expr = self._eval(dice_tree) return RollResult(dice_tree, dice_expr, stringifier)
# parsers
[docs] def parse(self, expr: str, allow_comments: bool = False) -> ast.Expression: """ Parses a dice expression into an AST. :param expr: The dice to roll. :type expr: str :param bool allow_comments: Whether to parse for comments after the main roll expression (potential slowdown) :rtype: ast.Expression """ try: if not allow_comments: return self._parse_no_comment(expr) else: return self._parse_with_comments(expr) except lark.UnexpectedToken as ut: raise RollSyntaxError(ut.line, ut.column, ut.token, ut.expected) except lark.UnexpectedCharacters as uc: raise RollSyntaxError(uc.line, uc.column, expr[uc.pos_in_stream], uc.allowed)
def _parse_no_comment(self, expr: str) -> ast.Expression: # see if this expr is in cache clean_expr = expr.replace(' ', '') if clean_expr in self._parse_cache: return self._parse_cache[clean_expr] dice_tree = ast.parser.parse(expr, start='expr') self._parse_cache[clean_expr] = dice_tree return dice_tree def _parse_with_comments(self, expr: str) -> ast.Expression: try: return ast.parser.parse(expr, start='commented_expr') except lark.UnexpectedInput as ui: # if the statement up to the unexpected token ends with an operator, remove that from the end successful_fragment = expr[:ui.pos_in_stream] for op in POSSIBLE_COMMENT_AMBIGUITIES: if successful_fragment.endswith(op): successful_fragment = successful_fragment[:-len(op)] force_comment = expr[len(successful_fragment):] break else: raise # and parse again (handles edge cases like "1d20 keep the dragon grappled") result = ast.parser.parse(successful_fragment, start='commented_expr') result.comment = force_comment return result # evaluator def _eval(self, node: ASTNode) -> ExpressionNode: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences # for some reason pycharm thinks this isn't a valid dict operation handler = self._nodes[type(node)] return handler(node) def _eval_expression(self, node: ast.Expression) -> Expression: return Expression(self._eval(node.roll), node.comment) def _eval_annotatednumber(self, node: ast.AnnotatedNumber) -> ExpressionNode: target = self._eval(node.value) target.annotation = ''.join(node.annotations) return target def _eval_literal(self, node: ast.Literal) -> Literal: return Literal(node.value) def _eval_parenthetical(self, node: ast.Parenthetical) -> Parenthetical: return Parenthetical(self._eval(node.value)) def _eval_unop(self, node: ast.UnOp) -> UnOp: return UnOp(node.op, self._eval(node.value)) def _eval_binop(self, node: ast.BinOp) -> BinOp: return BinOp(self._eval(node.left), node.op, self._eval(node.right)) def _eval_operatedset(self, node: ast.OperatedSet) -> ExpressionNode: target = self._eval(node.value) for op in node.operations: the_op = SetOperator.from_ast(op) the_op.operate(target) target.operations.append(the_op) return target def _eval_numberset(self, node: ast.NumberSet) -> Set: return Set([self._eval(n) for n in node.values]) def _eval_operateddice(self, node: ast.OperatedDice) -> ExpressionNode: return self._eval_operatedset(node) def _eval_dice(self, node: ast.Dice) -> Dice: return, node.size, context=self.context)