Source code for d20.utils

import copy
from typing import Callable, Optional, TypeVar

import d20  # this import is here for the doctests
from d20 import diceast, expression
from .dice import AdvType

TreeType = TypeVar("TreeType", bound=diceast.ChildMixin)
ASTNode = TypeVar("ASTNode", bound=diceast.Node)
ExpressionNode = TypeVar("ExpressionNode", bound=expression.Number)

[docs]def ast_adv_copy(ast: ASTNode, advtype: AdvType) -> ASTNode: """ Returns a minimally shallow copy of a dice AST with respect to advantage. >>> tree = d20.parse("1d20 + 5") >>> str(tree) '1d20 + 5' >>> str(ast_adv_copy(tree, d20.AdvType.ADV)) '2d20kh1 + 5' :param d20.ast.Node ast: The parsed AST. :param AdvType advtype: The advantage type to roll at. :returns: The copied AST. :rtype: d20.ast.Node """ root = copy.copy(ast) if not advtype: return root # find the leftmost node, making shallow copies all the way down parent = child = root while child.children: parent = child parent.left = child = copy.copy(parent.left) # is it dice? if not isinstance(child, diceast.Dice): return root # is it 1d20? if not (child.num == 1 and child.size == 20): return root # does it already have operations? if not isinstance(parent, diceast.OperatedDice): new_parent = diceast.OperatedDice(child) parent.left = new_parent parent = new_parent else: parent.operations = parent.operations.copy() # make the child 2d20 child.num = 2 # add the kh1 operator if advtype == 1: high_or_low = diceast.SetSelector("h", 1) else: high_or_low = diceast.SetSelector("l", 1) kh1 = diceast.SetOperator("k", [high_or_low]) parent.operations.insert(0, kh1) return root
[docs]def simplify_expr_annotations(expr: ExpressionNode, ambig_inherit: Optional[str] = None): """ Transforms an expression in place by simplifying the annotations using a bubble-up method. >>> roll_expr = d20.roll("1d20[foo]+3").expr >>> simplify_expr_annotations(roll_expr.roll) >>> d20.SimpleStringifier().stringify(roll_expr) "1d20 (4) + 3 [foo] = 7" :param d20.Number expr: The expression to transform. :param ambig_inherit: When encountering a child node with no annotation and the parent has ambiguous types, which to inherit. Can be ``None`` for no inherit, ``'left'`` for leftmost, or ``'right'`` for rightmost. :type ambig_inherit: Optional[str] """ if ambig_inherit not in ("left", "right", None): raise ValueError("ambig_inherit must be 'left', 'right', or None.") def do_simplify(node): possible_types = [] child_possibilities = {} for child in node.children: child_possibilities[child] = do_simplify(child) possible_types.extend(t for t in child_possibilities[child] if t not in possible_types) if node.annotation is not None: possible_types.append(node.annotation) # if I have no type or the same as children and all my children have the same type, inherit if len(possible_types) == 1: node.annotation = possible_types[0] for child in node.children: child.annotation = None # if there are ambiguous types, resolve children by ambiguity rules # unless it would change the right side of a multiplicative binop elif len(possible_types) and ambig_inherit is not None: for i, child in enumerate(node.children): if child_possibilities[child]: # if the child already provides an annotation or ambiguity continue elif ( isinstance(node, expression.BinOp) and node.op in {"*", "/", "//", "%"} and i ): # if the child is the right side of a multiplicative binop continue elif ambig_inherit == "left": child.annotation = possible_types[0] elif ambig_inherit == "right": child.annotation = possible_types[-1] # return all possible types return tuple(possible_types) do_simplify(expr)
[docs]def simplify_expr(expr: expression.Expression, **kwargs): """ Transforms an expression in place by simplifying it (removing all dice and evaluating branches with respect to annotations). >>> roll_expr = d20.roll("1d20[foo] + 3 - 1d4[bar]").expr >>> simplify_expr(roll_expr) >>> d20.SimpleStringifier().stringify(roll_expr) "7 [foo] - 2 [bar] = 5" :param d20.Expression expr: The expression to transform. :param kwargs: Arguments that are passed to :func:`simplify_expr_annotations`. """ simplify_expr_annotations(expr.roll, **kwargs) def do_simplify(node, first=False): """returns a pair of (replacement, branch had replacement)""" if node.annotation: return expression.Literal(, annotation=node.annotation), True # pass 1: recursively replace branches with annotations, marking which branches had replacements had_replacement = set() for i, child in enumerate(node.children): replacement, branch_had = do_simplify(child) if branch_had: had_replacement.add(i) if replacement is not child: node.set_child(i, replacement) # pass 2: replace no-annotation branches for i, child in enumerate(node.children): if (i not in had_replacement) and (had_replacement or first): # here is the furthest we can bubble up a no-annotation branch replacement = expression.Literal( node.set_child(i, replacement) return node, bool(had_replacement) do_simplify(expr, True)
[docs]def tree_map(func: Callable[[TreeType], TreeType], node: TreeType) -> TreeType: """ Returns a copy of the tree, with each node replaced with ``func(node)``. :param func: A transformer function. :type func: Callable[[d20.ast.ChildMixin], d20.ast.ChildMixin] :param node: The root of the tree to transform. :type node: d20.ast.ChildMixin :rtype: d20.ast.ChildMixin """ copied = copy.copy(node) for i, child in enumerate(copied.children): copied.set_child(i, tree_map(func, child)) return func(copied)
[docs]def leftmost(root: TreeType) -> TreeType: """ Returns the leftmost leaf in this tree. :param d20.ast.ChildMixin root: The root node of the tree. :rtype: d20.ast.ChildMixin """ left = root while left.children: left = left.children[0] return left
[docs]def rightmost(root: TreeType) -> TreeType: """ Returns the rightmost leaf in this tree. :param d20.ast.ChildMixin root: The root node of the tree. :rtype: d20.ast.ChildMixin """ right = root while right.children: right = right.children[-1] return right
[docs]def dfs(node: TreeType, predicate: Callable[[TreeType], bool]) -> Optional[TreeType]: """ Returns the first node in the tree such that ``predicate(node)`` is True, searching depth-first left-to-right. Returns None if no node satisfying the predicate was found. :param d20.ast.ChildMixin node: The root node of the tree. :param predicate: A predicate function. :type predicate: Callable[[d20.ast.ChildMixin], bool] :rtype: Optional[d20.ast.ChildMixin] """ if predicate(node): return node for child in node.children: result = dfs(child, predicate) if result is not None: return result return None